本文提供全面的外籍家庭傭工 (FDH) 面試指南,包含 20 個中英文對照的面試問題,以及 10 個進行成功面試的技巧。
- 經驗與技能 (Experience and Skills)
- 家庭互動 (Family Interaction)
- 緊急情況處理 (Emergency Handling)
- 生活習慣與健康 (Lifestyle and Health)
- 期望與需求 (Expectations and Needs)
- 情景題 (Scenario Questions)
- 你之前在哪裡工作過,擔任過哪些角色? (Where have you worked before, and what roles did you have?)
- 你有多少年照顧嬰兒、兒童、長者或寵物的經驗? (How many years of experience do you have in taking care of infants, children, elderly, or pets?)
- 你遇到過哪些照顧嬰兒/兒童/長者/寵物時的挑戰,是如何解決的? (What challenges have you faced while taking care of infants/children/eldery/pets, and how did you solve them?)
- 為甚麼你離開上一份工作? (Why did you leave your last job?)
- 可否提供前僱主的推薦信或聯絡資料? (Can you provide a reference letter or contact details from your previous employer?)
- 如果嬰兒晚上不停哭泣,你會怎麼做? (What would you do if the baby keeps crying at night?)
- 你是否願意與嬰兒同房,有無任何條件? (Are you willing to share a room with the baby, under what conditions?)
- 如果嬰兒發燒,你會如何處理? (How would you handle it if the baby has a fever?)
- 如果嬰兒不慎跌倒受傷,你會怎麼應對? (What would you do if the baby accidentally falls and gets injured?)
- 你每天習慣使用手機多長時間?如果需要減少使用時間,你能接受嗎? (How long do you usually use your mobile phone each day? Would you be able to reduce your usage if necessary?)
- 你是否吸煙或有其他不良嗜好? (Do you smoke or have any other bad habits?)
- 你有沒有任何健康問題或過敏情況? (Do you have any health issues or allergies?)
- 你有何工作期望或特別要求? (What are your work expectations or any special requests?)
- 你對於居住條件有何期望? (What are your expectations regarding living conditions?)
- 如果家中安裝了監控攝像鏡頭,你是否介意? (Would you mind if there were surveillance cameras installed in the house?)
- 你如何看待與家庭成員的溝通和解決分歧? (How do you view communication and resolving disagreements with family members?)
- 對放假日子是否有特定要求?如果不放星期日可以嗎? (Do you have any specific requests for your days off? Would it be okay if you do not have Sundays off?)
- 如果你看到我們的孩子在公園與另一個孩子發生爭執,你會如何處理? (If you saw our child arguing with another child at the park, how would you handle it?)
- 如果家中的長者突然感到不適,而家裡沒有其他成年人在場,你會怎麼做? (What would you do if the elderly person you are caring for suddenly feels unwell and there are no other adults at home?)
- 當照顧的兒童或長者拒絕服用藥物時,你將如何說服他們? (How would you persuade a child or elderly person you are caring for to take their medicine if they refuse?)
這些問題旨在幫助您評估 FDH 是否適合您的家庭需求。
這 10 個技巧將幫助您充分利用您的面試:
- 事先準備:列出想問的問題 (Prepare a list of questions beforehand)
- 溝通:確保暢通無阻 (Ensure clear communication)
- 觀察非語言行為 (Observe nonverbal behavior)
- 多問情景問題 了解反應和決策能力 (Ask scenario questions to assess their response and decision-making skills)
- 鼓勵提問 (Encourage the FDH to ask questions)
- 記錄外傭面試過程 (Record the interview if possible)
- 創造舒適環境 (Create a comfortable environment)
- 積極聆聽 (Listen attentively)
- 澄清疑問 (Clarify any doubts)
- 尊重文化差異 (Respect cultural differences)
遵循這些技巧,您可以增加找到適合您家庭的 FDH 的機率。
這些資源可以提供您在聘請 FDH 時可能需要額外資訊。